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In managing your HOA communities, you may have found that working with them through traditional channels like phone and in-person interactions has always been satisfactory for residents. And, it may continue to be adequate for some in your HOA communities.

However, technology now offers many more ways to interact that have become the norm. This includes online channels that speed response times and deliver information at a much faster rate. Online support technology is available to everyone, including communities like yours.

Here are some reasons why your community property management company should offer online support to the communities you serve.

Higher Expectations for an Instant Response

Technology has sped up how we, as a society, receive information. While this has been good in many respects, it has also raised the bar on expectations that every brand, company, organization, and individual we come into contact with will respond immediately and deliver instant gratification.

Since this expectation is only going to become greater, it’s important to have a channel that will enable you to provide instant access. An online channel like a website with a virtual communication tool and/or app will provide a way to quickly respond to all community members’ questions and concerns. This will ensure that your community members aren’t missing out on a quick response because their attempt at contact went to voicemail or a spam folder.

Member Experience Enhancement for Greater Value Proposition

For those communities that offer online channels, they can enhance the community members’ experience and, therefore, the value proposition for living in an HOA. Residents can pay their assessments, access HOA documents and forms, and view Board Meeting minutes and past digital community newsletters. They can also learn about upcoming community events.

Local area information can be added along with valuable articles through a blog or library, which offers tips and advice for maintaining their homes and properties. By providing greater convenience and assistance, community members tend to feel the HOA community provides a better experience and exceptional value compared to a non-HOA neighborhood.

An Important Lifeline

As we saw during the pandemic, having the ability to connect virtually helped so many people get the information they needed so work and life could continue. The online communications channels also served as a lifeline for staying close to those around us.

Communities that had online portals, virtual communication tools, and apps were able to provide critical information to their residents related to the pandemic. Since this information seemed to be ever-changing, the online portals and platforms made it easy to deliver important news in real-time. Having this capability could also help during other emergency situations and natural disasters.

Increased Homeowner Satisfaction Rates

Since the inception of online channels, one of the things that people have liked most is the ability to now have a platform where they are more likely to be heard. Thanks to social media, this “voice for all” has become the norm.

By offering your HOA members a platform to be heard, including communication support, they will feel more satisfied that they are playing a role in shaping community events and decisions. This also provides a way for your members to share information or opinions confidentially so they are not shut down by a potential confrontation with other community members. In turn, this will increase homeowner satisfaction rates for you.

Setting Up HOA Online Support

As you can see, there is a significant return on investment for establishing HOA online support. However, it does have its challenges, especially if your organization is not as familiar with what’s available and how to select the online support that is most appropriate for your HOA community or communities. There are considerable resources in the form of time, effort, and funding required. 

Also, while you can add in various tools, they may not all fit together or address the specific needs of each community you manage. It also takes a lot of time to respond and monitor online channels, and you may not have the talent onboard to stay on top of that. 

Get Started with Online Community Support

Don’t worry, though, because you don’t have to do it alone when it comes to selecting, setting up, and managing online support channels. There are companies like ours that offer customized online community support solutions that align with your needs and budget.

To find out how Innovia can help you offer online support through our dedicated partner Vantaca LLC, contact us today.